Our 2024 Bid-N-Buy silent auction is live from 6:00am on June 6th until bidding closes at 8:00pm on June 9th.
Here's how you can help!
- Check out the Amazon Wish List. Put your online shopping skills to good use! You can always donate an Amazon gift card in any amount, and we will use it towards our bigger items. Click here to view the list.
- Gift cards are needed for entertainment, restaurants, and shopping.
- Donate lottery tickets in any amount.
- Do you have season tickets to local sports events? Can you spare a couple of tickets? We would love to offer tickets to the Reds, Bengals, FC Cincinnati, UC, XU, Ohio State, Notre Dame, UD, etc.
- Do you have an experience you can offer? Maybe a tour of your small business or you have a contact with someone at a restaurant, brewery, or factory?
- Send in a cash/check donation to the rectory. Please make your check out to Guardian Angels and mark your check as "Bid-N-Buy Donation."
Guardian Angels Church
6531 Beechmont Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45230
The deadline for returning donations is June 1st, but sooner is better!
Registration for online bidding will open on May 16th.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Check the InstaBuy Section
The items below are available on the Bid-N-Buy website as well. These are under the Instabuy tab. These are purchased as tickets or merchadise; there is no bidding. To find these, click here and then click on the InstaBuy tab.
Bid-N-Buy Committee:
Kay and Jim Froehlich (Chairs)
Amy Armstrong-Smith
Anne Keefe
Summer McMillan
Molly McCall
Mary Beth McCombs
Lisa Myers
Carrie Piehowicz
Amanda Sherman
Casey Timko