Message from Father Angi (July 2022)
While in the seminary many, many years ago, we would sing a song for liturgy written by Dr. James Moore titled, “A New Song.”
“I will sing the Lord a New Song, a New Song, I will sing His praises while I live, I will sing His praises forevermore.Sing God a New Song, make it loud and clear, Sing God a New Song, spread his love around.”
As the Beacons of Light process in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and among our families of parishes rolls out here in July, we are singing a new song. In singing this new song, we look forward to how we as Guardian Angels, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. John Fisher and the Chapel of St. Jerome can bring together our family of parishes and share what resources we can with each other. We are on the cusp of something new and wonderful. It is important to “Keep our eyes on Jesus who inspires and perfects our faith.” (Letter to the Hebrews) Our faith will see us through each challenge and opportunity that awaits us.
During the Sundays of July, I will be celebrating a Mass each weekend in each of the parishes. The parochial vicars, Fr. King, Fr. Alex and Fr. Ebong, will rotate among the parishes as well. By the end of July, we will have celebrated each Mass in each parish at least once. This gives you the opportunity to see each of us, the priests who will be serving you. Seeing that I continue my ministry as Vicar General for the Archdiocese and Dean of the South Deanery, I will be using one email for everything, [email protected].
In addition, I am hoping to forward phones to one number. If you are calling or writing about a particular parish, please identify the parish so I can address the concern appropriately. We look forward to the future with hope knowing that our God is always walking with us.
Fr. Steve